Samplers for bulk solids

We have probably the widest range of built-in and inline sampling systems available for sampling powders and granules in containers, pipes and lines. For a better overview, we have grouped these into product groups by mode of operation. This mode of operation is explained briefly in each case.
Our sampling systems are used worldwide to sample a wide variety of products, powders and granulates. If you are looking for a solution that is not explicitly mentioned here, please do not hesitate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view
In addition, we also offer innovative accessories and controls for fully automatic sampling of bulk materials and sample collection systems.
Product groups
Auger samplers
A screw / auger conveys the sample from the process into an adjacent sample collection.
Cup Samplers
The sample is falling into a cup which then is dipped into a collection system.
Sampling Ports
The samples is vacating the process thru a port due to gravity or other dominant forces.
Piston Samplers
With piston samplers, material samples of the same volume are conveyed through a collecting pipe from the process into a downstream collection system. Each stroke of the piston delivers the same amount of sample material.
Downpipe sampler
The entire cross section of a gravitity downstream is extracted as a sample.